Options Tutorial (12 MB) 
This is a working version of the Options (Electives) program, except you cannot enter your own students’ names.
It helps you to decide if Options is the right software for you.
It is a single file containing the install program, the Options program, demo-data files (to save you time), the PDF file of the Booklet, and full interactive HelpScreens.
There is a full interactive Tutorial (see the Booklet), and you can explore all parts of the program, manipulating the data and trying out different Options Patterns, for Year 10 and for Year 12, etc.
For more details click here.
After downloading it, you need to install it and run it as described in the Notes we send you.
The download includes a PDF file of the updated illustrated Handbook for use with the Options/Electives program. It includes a full Tutorial on Options, with 14 Worked Examples.
It takes you through the Tutorial, step by step, and explains each screen to you.
Click Here to Download the Options Tutorial
To see more details about the Options program, click here.
Please Note:
– If you have any difficulties in downloading or running the program, please contact us at ask@timetabler.com
– We can send you the program on CD, with the Tutorial Booklet ready-printed, if you prefer.
– To un-install Options, simply delete the folder “C:\OPTDemo”.