TimeTabler joins The Key Group
Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

We’re thrilled to announce that TimeTabler has joined the MIS Division at The Key Group.
The Key Group is home to a number of leading, school-focused software brands including Arbor, The Key, and GovernorHub, and we know this will be a great new home for our community of schools.
We’d like to explain a little more about why we’ve made this decision, and what it means for you, our school timetablers:
Why have we taken this decision ?
We’re passionate about supporting even more schools with TimeTabler, Options and StaffCover, and want to bring in new investment and expertise to help us do this. We chose The Key Group as they have a strong focus on supporting schools to get the most from their operational software – whether that’s MIS, accounting software, or timetabling tools. They share our values, support TimeTabler’s mission, and have the investment needed to keep TimeTabler at the forefront and develop it into the future.
What does this mean for you ?
You will still use the same great software and be supported by the same team you’ve always worked with – the only difference is that we will be adding new colleagues to the Team, who share our passion for helping schools to get the most from their software !
TimeTabler will continue to integrate with all the same MIS / SIS / Admin systems, so schools can continue to use TimeTabler and Options regardless of which MIS you use. Our wonderful community of Associates will be staying with us too.
We’re really excited about what the future holds with TimeTabler as part of The Key Group. If you have any thoughts or comments at any time, just let us know at letusknow@timetabler.com.
Chris & the TimeTabler Team